In Five Years, Only A to Ant 



The Oxford English Dictionary remains 

a testament to obsession, passion. 

After seeing Rocky, Dick and I argued 

over whether the word could carry 

a positive connotation, I insisting it could. 

Didn’t he remember 

Magnificent Obsession

Was that an oxymoron? 


The entry for the little word set

is 60,000 words long. In ancient days, 

great stones were hacked out, 

rolled or muscled many miles 

to leave us massive monuments, 

long logs wrested from afar 

in the desert to beam cathedral ceilings. 


So much we do is inexplicable. 

Do I wrestle blades of grass home 

like an ant, losing the scent, wandering 

in circles, perhaps stepped on 

or swept away?  Yet on and on goes 

the procession. I pronounce obsession 

life.  But then, perhaps, I, too 

could be called crazy.

Carol Hamilton of Oklahoma has recent and forthcoming publications in Louisiana Review, Pontiac Review, Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine, Poet Lore, and others. She has published 17 books: children's novels, legends and poetry, most recently, Such Deaths (Vac, 2014). Hamilton is a former Poet Laureate of Oklahoma and has been nominated seven times for a Pushcart Prize.