Table of Contents

Die Engel………………………3 trans. Donald Williams

Boulder Canyon Project Act…..4 Alan Elyshevitz

Nell’s Ode……..………………..5 Elizabeth Sylvia

Rampant……………………….6 Rita Rouvalis Chapman

When you make my mind up…7 Rustin Larson

Untitled………………………...8 Gina Williams

Upon Not Attending the Writer’s Colony
in France……………………….9 Gaylord Brewer

Grolier Nights: Ode to Bill
Knott………………………….10 John Repp

After Thirty Years of Marriage,
One Adjusts…….……………..11 J. Weintraub

Occasional Poem………….….12 Timothy Robbins

Prints…………………….........13 Gina Williams

Walt(z) with 8 Million Souls…14 J.M. Hall

The Phone Rings………...……15 Helen Tzagoloff

Moving Through the Lawn…..16 Joel Fry

The Force a Water Drop
Carries………………………...17 Shriram Sivaramakrishnan

Girlfriends 1……….……….....18 Bruce Louis Dodson

Putting New Eyes on a
Hawk………………………….19 Sandy Weisman

Untitled……………………….20 Simon Perchik

Love…………………………...21 Karla Van Vliet

My Father at the
Supermarket….…………….....22 Florence Murry

The Windows and Roofs Inside the World
………………………………..23 Simon Anton Diego Baena

Untitled…….…………………24 trans. Donald Williams

Interview with Colin