Table of Contents

Absalom, Absalom……….……3 Daisy Bassen

Planting the Rice Field………...4 Sibani Sen

To a Red Cabbage……………..5 Bonnie Bishop

Autumn Rhythm……………….6 Paul Genega

Wild Oats………………………7 Cameron Morse

Seahorses…………………….....8 Daisy Bassen

Samos….……………………….9 Michael Hanner

Buds...………………………….10 Marc Fienman

August……..…….……………..11 Craig Evenson

Self-Portrait Unrequited..….….12 Sibani Sen

Near Stonehenge………….........13 Beth Paulson

Figs………………………….…14 Donna Pucciani

Club Dogo………...………...…15 Mario Loprete

Relics…………………………..16 Howard Faerstein

Upgrade Our Adventures……..17 Partha Sarkar

Little Howl………….……….....18 Paul Genega

When I Recall Days…..……….19 Howard Faerstein

At Nine…….………………….20 Jonathan B. Aibel

Civilization……….…………...21 Gaby Bedetti

The Bells of Saint Joseph’s….....22 Barbara Daniels